Vehicle CCTV solutions can subconsciously advance a drivers behaviour and improve your bottom line.
In a study conducted by Frontiers in Psychology, researchers decided to test whether camera surveillance would improve human behaviour. The researchers experimented with 86 students to discover if an authoritative camera presence would improve pro-social behaviour and disparage amoral actions such as cheating on a test. Their conclusion equated to supporting the idea that the presence of a camera does indeed eliminate negative behaviour and in some circumstances improves pro-social actions. Similarly, HaulTech customers have reported driver behaviour improvements since they had vehicle CCTV installed.
HaulTech’s vehicle camera solutions provide 360° surveillance and can be installed to monitor inside the cab. Based on the research above, by installing a vehicle CCTV solution, a drivers behaviour could improve without them consciously thinking about it. With the increased prosocial performance, drivers are less likely to be involved in an incident. Moreover, HaulTech’s external pictorial stickers will warn other road users of the vehicle’s surveillance system, meaning third parties are more likely to adapt their behaviour accordingly and positively.
Not only will drivers benefit from the subconscious impacts of the camera solution but HaulTech’s multi-award-winning, integrated vehicle CCTV and tracking system, TrakMan offers behaviour scorecards that give drivers an insight into their performance. The scorecards can then be used to allow companies and their drivers to dedicate their time to evolve their road skills, consciously. For hauliers, these advancements can improve their bottom line through a reduction in their insurance premiums. When a drivers behaviour is positively refined, their risk profile and claims history will reflect this development and insurers could potentially reward the haulier by lowering their premium.
If you would like to know how HaulTech can enhance your driver’s behaviour and improve your insurance premium, contact the team today by clicking here, calling 01782 662244 or saying